Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Example Outline with George Wilson

The 1920’s American society was focused on what you had or your possessions rather than your contribution to society.  In a well developed essay, analyze a character’s response to the influences of money.  Analyze how the characters identity is impacted by their financial standing. How is this theme still relevant today?

Money plays an important role in our everyday lives.  In 1920s America, society focused on what you had or your possessions rather than your contributions to society.  This is not to far off from today.  Society still tends to be money driven rather than focused on applauding people for their contributions.  The media focuses on people’s wealth and what famous people are doing rather than highlighting individuals who are actually helping the community.  F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby depicts the evils of money and wealth.  Fitzgerald’s shows this through his character George Wilson.  Wilson symbolizes the struggling lower middle class Americans during the 1920s.  His lack of wealth eventually drove him to his demise. Through this character, Fitzgerald is showing the immoral values of Americans.

  • Use quotes from Ch. 2, 7, 8 to show his downfall into becoming so angry or distraught that he kills himself and Gatsby because he felt he needed to save some sort of dignity.
    • His unsuccessful relationship with Myrtle.
    • lack of friends/social life
    • The failed American Dream?
  • Media shows when a celebrity adopts a baby or donates money but doesn’t show the people who dedicate their lives to helping others.  
    • Ex. Angelina Jolie, people who work in homeless shelters, people who are fighting for gay marriage, etc.