Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Warm up: Diction Quiz

  • 1 Comic about John Smith
    • 6 Boxes
    • Tell the Story of John Smith from heading up the river to his return to Jamestown (Pick the most important 6 events)
    • A relevant quote from the text in each box
    • Illustrations that make sense to the reading and what you are summarizing
      • This means no skyscrapers, or aliens, or things that are not logical.
  • 1 Comic about EITHER John Underhill or Hernan Cortes reading.
    • Tell the story of Underhill or Cortes from beginning to end (Pick the most important 6 events)
  • Partner up: You and One other person
    • If there’s three, you have to do a comic for EACH reading (Cortes, Underhill, Smith)
  • Create an account @
    • Select “Fun” then “Login”
    • Select “Sign Up” and create a free account
      • Use your school MLK email.
    • Go to Create a Comic
      • Create a Sunday Funny
      • Select one of the 6 or 7 box templates