Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

OBJECTIVE: After reading "A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration..." students will write a paragraph describing Mary Rowlandson's personality and character and how her diction demonstrates these attributes.

Warm-Up: Read the quote and answer the two questions:

“Abuelito under a bald light bulb, under a ceiling dusty with flies, puffs his cigar and counts money soft and wrinkled as old Kleenex.

--Sandra Cisneros, “Tepeyac,” Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories

How can a ceiling be dusty with flies? Are the flies plentiful or sparse? Active or still? Clustered of evenly distributed?

What does Cisneros mean by a bald light bulb? What kind of room does Abuelito have? What does this tell you about Abuelito?


  • Write a paragraph in which you analyze Mary Rowlandson’s diction to explain what type of person she is.
  1. Decide what type of person Rowlandson is
  2. Find the words/phrases that made you think that
  3. Write Paragraph
Use the following mentor text and writing example to help guide your writing: 

Model Topic Sentence

Urrea's diction highlights his compassion toward the youth searching for purpose